We’re so happy to have you in our WOW CUP Family! And we want to give back. Create an account and start earning WOW Points towards your first reward.
It’s very easy. Sign up for the WOW Reward Program, follow us on Instagram, tell us when we should sing you happy birthday and shop with us to earn WOW points. Do you already have an account with us? No problem. We adjusted your point balance to 250 WOW Points so you don't loose the sign up. And now you can simply earn more points with following actions:
Have you mastered the basics of grilling and you are a pro in grilling burgers, hot dogs and steaks? It’s a perfect time to take your grilling skills to the next level with these advanced techniques and tips. Fire up your grill, prepare all the essentials including GRIPmitt and get a grip on grilling!